Package com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sqlbase
Interface Summary Interface Description JdbcRepositoryConfiguration Common contract for SQL-based repository configuration. -
Class Summary Class Description ConflictWatcherImpl DataSourceFactory JdbcSession Wrapper around JDBCConnection
representing "session", typically a transactional one.PageOf<T> Result object for potentially paginated content.SqlQueryContext<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> Context information about SQL query.SqlQueryExecutor Component just under the service that orchestrates query transformation and execution.SqlRepoContext Encapsulates QuerydslConfiguration
, ourQueryModelMappingRegistry
and other parts of SQL repository config and implements methods that need these.SqlTableMetadata SqlTransformerSupport Holds various component dependencies that are used during schema to DB transformations.SqlTransformerSupport.ParseResult<T extends Objectable> SystemConfigurationChangeDispatcherImpl Dispatches "system configuration changed" events to relevant objects. -
Enum Summary Enum Description SupportedDatabase Enumeration of supported SQL/databases (RDBMS).TransactionIsolation -
Exception Summary Exception Description QueryException Query related repository exception.RepositoryException Base repository exception.