Interface ChangeHook

  • public interface ChangeHook
    TODO This applies to all changes, therefore it will "hook" into addObject, modifyObject and also deleteObject.
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        <O extends ObjectTypeHookOperationMode invoke​(@NotNull
                                                        ModelContext<O> context,
                                                        Task task,
                                                        OperationResult result)
                                                 throws PolicyViolationException
        Generic method to be implemented by the hook. It is invoked by the Model Clockwork at these occasions: - after PRIMARY state has been entered, - after SECONDARY state has been entered, and - after each of secondary-state waves has been executed (i.e. with the state of SECONDARY for all except the last one, will have state set to FINAL). TODO: what about EXECUTION and POSTEXECUTION states?
        - FOREGROUND, if the processing of model operation should continue on the foreground - BACKGROUND, if the hook switched further processing into background (and, therefore, current execution of model operation should end immediately, in the hope it will eventually be resumed later) - ERROR, if the hook encountered an error which prevents model operation from continuing (this case is currently not defined very well)
      • invokeOnException

        void invokeOnException​(@NotNull
                               ModelContext context,
                               Throwable throwable,
                               Task task,
                               OperationResult result)
        This method is invoked by the clockwork when an exception occurs. It is intended e.g. to implement a notification to the user.
        context - actual model context at the point of processing the exception
        throwable - the exception itself
        task - actual task, in context of which the operation was carried out
        result - actual operation result - the handler should create a subresult here for its operation This method has no return value, as it is not expected that the processing would continue in the background. (This could change in the future.)
      • getPriority

        default int getPriority()
      • invokePreview

        default void invokePreview​(@NotNull
                                   ModelContext<? extends ObjectType> context,
                                   Task task,
                                   OperationResult result)
        Invokes the hook in "preview mode". It is expected that hook will set its output into "hookPreviewResultsMap" in the model context. Hooks can decide whether to do anything based on partial processing options. The defaults are expected to be different from defaults during normal processing, e.g. they might be set to "skip". If the caller wants preview processing by a particular hook, it might enable it using partial processing option set to "process".